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Physical Folk Manifesto

Creating theatre for our audience to lose themselves in.
Professional theatre that takes you on a journey down rivers, along country roads and through the door into people's lives.  Transforming intimate spaces into different worlds.
Handling material that is both entertaining and thought provoking.

Developing the community's access to versatile theatre.
From Shakespeare to contemporary writing, comedy to tragedy and physical theatre to music.
An eclectic array of work that excites and invigorates the imagination.

Celebrating people and their stories.
From star-crossed lovers to pantomime dames. People on the margins of society and the pillars of the community. The weak and the strong, the poor and the rich, the imprisoned and the free.

Passionate about participation.
Welcoming people into theatre through taking part in community productions, gaining new skills in classes and workshops and volunteering at events.

Encouraging community co-operation.
Strengthening community bonds by creating a platform for discussion.
Creating events where different age groups, local organisations and individuals can all work together.

A continued commitment to both developing the company and the work.
Being brave, taking risks and listening with an open mind. Approaching work rigorously and in depth.
Extending our knowledge and skills for the benefit of the the audience and community.

People. Stories. Movement.

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